
Lēcieni ar izpletni

Gints Leja

Gints Leja

2450 jumps experience (instructor AFF) category around 400 AFF main instructor skydives (including special forces skydivers training) and 450+ Tandem videos. 3 night jumps. 5 water landing (5km in sea ) jumps. Around 15 jumps from 6000m +, and 2 from 80meters (hi speed standard rig)
90% of jumps are from 4000m 1350 Tandem jump.
Jumps to limited field stadium, 120 jump to beach and city.
Big formation, till 50 participants.
3 hours in Bedford/UK wind tunnel.
Have jump from : C27J Spartan; Duglas DC-3; L-410; MI-8T;MI-18 AN-28; AN-2; AN-26;
Wilga-35A; Powered Hang glider; balloon . and other
Equipment: Jevelin , Cross fire 128, R-max 128 Cypres 2. Video and photo equipment.
World Record Australian record, Ginnesa record, a record for a participant in the Baltic.

APF Rating
Certification/ Rating Date of Issue Date of Expiry Certificate #
Certificate E
Star Crest
Packer B
Instructor D
Endorsement AFF
Endorsement Tandem
Tandem Sub-Endorsement – Vector/Sigma

EU licence
FAI Instuctor Licence
Raiting C,
Raiting AFF
Raiting TANDEM,

Dmitrijs Mišučkins

Dmitrijs Mišučkins

Licenze D 790Lēcienu

Robertas Rezgevičius

Robertas Rezgevičius